الثلاثاء، 4 نوفمبر 2008

أشغال فنية 2 Crafts

أحب كثيراً عمل البلاستيك كنفاة منذ الصغر وأحن لعمله بين فترة وأخرى وهذه إحدى أعمال ماقمت به.
I like much plastic canava work from early age and I for longing of its work from time to time and this is one of my work.


nurum-nurum said...

selam blogunuz çok güzel

Audrey said...

It was beautiful and creative,have a nice weekend.

Lady Hands said...

Selam canım..
Thanks for your visit and for put my address blog in your list,I'll do same for you.
iyi geceler

Lady Hands said...

Hi Audrey..
Thank you honey, have a nice day,
with my kisses